7 Years of Publication Journey: Journal of Geology and Geophysics

Journal of GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS celebrates more than 7 years of its existence in the field of Geology and geophysics publishing and research and extends a very warm welcome to all the authors, researchers, editors and student to contribute their latest research findings as research, review, short commentary, case report articles i.e full length articles to this collaborative Physics journal. The journal is committed to serve its readers authors by adding the state of the art facilities to enhance the author’s scholarly visibility.
Established in the year 2003, Journal of GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS is one of the most reputed journals of LONGDOM group, known for its close-knit association with Geoscience societies and agencies engaged in Geological research. The peer-reviewed journal that publishes quality research in all aspects of Geosciences Geology, Mining, Petroleum Geology, Geomorphology, Gravity & Magnetic, Geoinformatics. The journal offers Multidisciplinary research in all the areas of Geosciences including Geo-engineering, Hydrogeology, Mining, and Sequence Stratigraphy, involving theoretical and practical perspectives.
Notwithstanding to any specific organ in the body, the journal has also published voluminous special issue on Application of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for Geosciences research.
Dr. Giulio Iovine, Scientist at CNR-IRPI (National Research Council – Istitute of Research for the Geo-hydrologic Protection) - Organizational Support Unit (U.O.S.) of Cosenza. President of the “Area della Ricerca di Cosenza” of CNR, from 30.01.2012 Graduated in Geological Sciences on 29 March 1988, with a thesis on “The activity of Vesuvius from 1631 to 1944: analysing the volcanic hazard in the Vesuvian area” - Supervisor: Prof. L. Lirer, Vote: 110/110 cum laude. Lecturer of “Applied Geology” at the University of Calabria from the academic year 2002-2003 to 2006-2007, and of Geotechniques in 2000-2001, Chief Editors: David Carlson & Hans Pfeiffenberger – since its foundation (in 2009). Dr. Lovine is currently serving as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal. His research expertise includes Landslide activations and sinkholes triggered by either meteoric or seismic events. Effects of landslides in urbanized areas. Evaluation of hazard, susceptibility, vulnerability, and specific risk induced by slope-instability phenomena. Evaluation of conditions of imminent risk. In recent years, scientific contacts with national and international colleagues were also kept, aiming at favouring interactions and cultural exchanges on the research themes of interest, by: organizing conference sessions (as main convenor and/or chairman), editing the proceedings of the conferences, editing special issues in international journals (as guest editor), and in the frame of agreements of scientific co-operation (as responsible or co-responsible). He has served on a number of Editorial Boards and Granting Agencies.
All the articles published listed and indexed in the reputed indexing sites like all published articles are assigned to Digital Object Identifier (DOI) - CrossRef.
All published articles of this journal are included in the indexing and abstracting coverage of: Index Copernicus, Open J Gate, Academic Keys, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), RefSeek, Hamdard University, EBSCO A-Z, OCLC- WorldCat, Publons. Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research, the Journal of GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS is committed to ‘Creative Commons’ policy of publishing the scholarly articles on open access forum, after a thorough peer review. The journal is enjoying the staunch support of LONGDOM, a faithful publisher committed to science research.
The LONGDOM Group has become an ultimate destination to the world-class, peer-review geological journals till date. LONGDOM physics publications are highly respected by Geophysist, geochemists, practitioners, and researchers alike and thus become an essential part of the international medical landscape for publishing scientific literature, which is critical to the research cycle.
Journal of Geology and Geophysics waives off 50% of its article processing charges to promote quality research from across the nations of the globe to encourage the latest research in the field of Geoscience Research.
Ruby Katherine
Editorial Office
Journal of Geology and Geophysics
Longdom Group SA
Avenue Roger Vandendriessche,
18, 1150 Brussels, Belgium
Phone: +34 911 877 608
E-mail: geology@journaloa.org