A Novel Room-Temperature-Cured Waterglass/ Polyurethane Composite



The collapsed zone in coal mine after mining refers to an underground structure, which is a pile size composed of broken matrix and voids among them. The broken coal and rock in underground coal mines have caused thousands of fatalities and threatened mining safety, social stability, and sustainable development. In order to control the mining subsidence, roof collapse, water inrush, ignition, chemical grouting for reinforcing broken matrix is usually necessary in the collapsed zone. Generally, the grouting material require to possess good stability, low viscosity, good grout ability, inflaming retarding, innocuity, low cost and easy accessibility. In the past years, the epoxy resin, polyurethane, acrylate, urea-formaldehyde resin, acrylamide and sodium silicate have been developed as injection materials for improvement and reinforcement of the broken matrix. Among them, the silicate and polyurethane grouting was the most frequent technique applied to mining engineering. The chemical grouting application of sodium silicate was firstly performed by Jeziorsky in 1886, and used widely in the following years. In 1971, polyurethane-based grouting was introduced in Germany in hard coal mining. In 1978, Mobay Chemical Corporation introduced the first commercial in mine trial of polyurethane grouting in the United States. Since its introduction in the United States, polyurethane grouting has become the most popular non-silicate chemical grouting in the mining industry. Two major applications of polyurethane in mining are rock mass stabilization and strata sealing to deter gas or water migration. With the injection of polyurethane into broken strata, cracks and fissures are bound together; the chemical adheres to the rock and forms a matrix within the broken strata. Although polyurethane is a successful grouting material for many situations where binding or sealing of strata are needed, in practical applications, polyurethane exhibited also some drawbacks such as high cost, poor barrier property and thermal stability, which limited its applications. In view of excellent binding properties and high deformability of polyurethane and low cost and high thermal stability of silicate, it is expected that the combination of polyurethane with silicate into the composite will be a more effective composite for reinforcement of coal mine. Currently, a novel waterglss/polyurethane composite with high properties and low cost has been prepared in our study, and the obtained grouting material shows an excellent performance for the reinforcement of coal mine.