Applications of Biosurfactants in Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals on the Physicochemical and Biological
The chemical substances known as biosurfactants are derived from diverse microorganisms and have the capacity to lessen the interfacial tension between two similar or dissimilar phases. Biosurfactants are an intriguing option in a variety of physico-chemical and biological applications due to their significance in the cosmetics, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, agricultural, food, and oil sectors. This review article emphasises the uses of biosurfactants in many sectors while highlighting their significance in each industry in order to portray the diverse qualities of these substances. Additionally, the manufacture of recently created biosurfactants that are significant from both a chemical and biological standpoint has been described. With a focus on the most recent results and research conducted globally, the advantages of biosurfactants over chemical surfactants have also been explored. Additionally, the physical and chemical characteristics of certain biosurfactants Various characterisation methods have been given and explored. The review paper covers the most recent advances in biosurfactants as well as their physico-chemical characteristics and uses in a variety of industries, particularly in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.