Construction Architecture

The research methodology is a definite process or technique which is used to recognize, select, process, and analyze information about a topic. In a research paper, the methodology section allows the reader to judgmentally estimate a study’s overall validity and reliability. The methodology section answers two main questions: How was the data collected or generated? How was it analyzed?
The Saunders Research onion illustrates the stages involved in the development of research work and was developed by Saunders et al, In other words, the onion layers give a more detailed description of the stages of a research process. Its usefulness lies in its adaptability for almost any type of research methodology and can be used in a variety of contexts. Saunders et al noted that while using research onion one has to go from the outer layer to the inner layer. Saunders et al see the research process as the unwrapping of an onion layer by layer, for the inner layer to be seen the outer layer must be unwrapped first.