Evaluating stress relief & stress effects with cognitive appraisal & perceived stress constructs..


Researchers investigating cognitive appraisal and stress have focused on applying their findings to the creative arts, pregnancy, psychotherapy, academic, and sleep quality (Erschens et al., 2018; Martin, et al., 2018; Gonzalez-Ochoa, 2018; Wersebe et al., 2018; You-wei et al., 2018). The purpose of this educational intervention was to examine the effects of stress and stressors experienced by first semester Bachelor of Science of Nursing undergraduate students. One-hundred and eighty-four questionnaires were completed by the participants. The questionnaire consisted of two sections. First, the Brief College Student Hassle Scale (BCSHC) measured stressors (Ward & Hay, 2015) where participants rated their school and personal stress levels.