Rangeland Degradation and Rehabilitation Techniques in the Rangelands of Ethiopia_A Review
Rangeland degradation continues to be a major hindrance to improving pastoral livelihoods in Ethiopia's lowlands. This review study examines the scope of rangeland deterioration, its drivers, and the potential consequences of rangeland degradation, as well as different rangeland restoration strategies. It is meant to be used as a starting point for more detailed quantitative assessments to support policy and investment strategies in Ethiopia to address rangeland degradation. Rangeland degradation worsens with time, and rangeland productivity suffers as a result if proper care is not taken. Climate change, overgrazing, bush encroachment, population pressure, drought, government policies, encroachment of rain-fed agriculture, and the demise of traditional resource management institutions are all key contributors of rangeland degradation. Rangeland degradation has led in significant losses in rangeland condition, water potential, soil status, and animal performance, as well as household livestock holdings and communal poverty. Rangeland degradation has led in significant losses in rangeland condition, water potential, soil status, and animal performance, as well as household livestock holdings and communal poverty. Food insecurity, poverty to the point of requiring food aid, aridity expansion, and the necessity for alternate livelihood and income diversification are all consequences of rangeland degradation. In addition, it has become a growing danger to pastoral production systems, contributing to rising poverty and tribal conflicts over grazing area and water resources. Despite these consequences, the country's adoption of alternative restoration strategies is woefully inadequate. There is an urgent need to significantly expand investments and strengthen policy support for sustainable land management in order to solve rangeland degradation issues.