Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Rice Grown in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam...

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a major food crop with more than 50 kg of rice being consumed per capita each year worldwide [1]. Much of the world rice production is found in Asia with India, China, Thailand, and Vietnam among the highest producing countries. Rice is the staple crop of Vietnam with an annual paddy production of 45.10 million metric tons and milled rice production of 29.5 million metric tons [2]. Of this total production, approximately 60-70% is grown in the Mekong Delta area where it is possible to produce three crops per year. With a growing population, a desire to develop export markets, and increasing environmental concerns, the government of Vietnam has undertaken a vigorous program to increase rice production while limiting the adverse impact this will have on the environment. To achieve this goal, several government policies were implemented since 1986 with the objective of increasing rice production area in the Mekong Delta from 1.85 million hectares in 1986 to 3.9 million hectares in 2015.